Whether you live in an area with a lot of crime or not, you can never be too cautious about your safety and a day might come when you have to take matters into your own hands to defend yourself. You can go and buy a gun, but that can be difficult with local laws preventing you from doing so, which is why in this video, we’ve compiled some of the best self-defense gadgets you can buy right now. From the world’s tiniest pistol to the Bola Wrap, one of the safest restraining gadgets out there, to the world’s most defensive Spork? , here are 12 self-defense gadgets you can buy right now.
12. Tiger Lady-https://bit.ly/3aEZfY2
11. Lifelite-https://bit.ly/3aKL4Ay
10. Bulletproof Bag-https://bit.ly/3mY7t3h
9. Miniature Colt 1908-https://bit.ly/3vhspWw
8. Yellow Jacket Phone Case-https://bit.ly/3Fm5JJA
7. Taser Pulse-https://bit.ly/3BP3xrN
6. Bolawrap –https://bit.ly/3p9rp5Y
5. Stun Ring –https://bit.ly/3G2RIkn
4. Knuckle Duster –https://bit.ly/3lKbCZ2
3. HUAAO Dart Launcher –https://amzn.to/3BMLbHH
2. Pen Pepper Spray –https://bit.ly/3BNydtr
1. Spork-https://amzn.to/3j7MLg0