It is safe to say there is no modern gadgetry without the humble battery. Everything that needs electricity to work and cannot always be connected to a power source uses one type of battery or another, from heart pacemakers to smartwatches and electric cars! That is why the battery industry is among the hottest lately, as different companies race to …
The Most Powerful Computers You’ve Never Heard Of
Analog computers were the most powerful computers for thousands of years, relegated to obscurity by the digital revolution.
[4k, 60fps, colorized] (1918) WWI veterans: shell shock sequels, war neurosis.
The term “shell shock” was coined by the soldiers themselves. Symptoms included fatigue, tremor, confusion, nightmares and impaired sight and hearing. It was often diagnosed when a soldier was unable to function and no obvious cause could be identified. Because many of the symptoms were physical, it bore little overt resemblance to the modern diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder.
How He Overcame A Horrible Fire – Help For Others
David Hoffman is a veteran film maker, photographer, and documentarian with a large array of archived content on Youtube. A fire consumed his home in 2008 which destroyed most of his archived footage. This video was an homage trying to repurpose some of that content in some meaningful way.
San Francisco 1906 (New Version) in Color [60fps, Remastered] w/added sound
New Version of footage San Francisco 1906, A Trip Down Market Street, Shot on April 14, 1906, four days before the San Francisco earthquake and fire. From the front of a cable car, a motion picture camera records a trip down Market Street, San Francisco, California, from a point between 8th & 9th Streets, Eastward to the cable car turnaround …
Blunt Vietnam Vet Marine Tells You Exactly What Happened To Him
In 1990 I did interviews with 180 baby boomers talking about their lives during the 1960s for my television series, Making Sense of the Sixties. This is a clip of poet and educator Bill Ehrhart from one of those interviews – a very articulate Vietnam veteran who joined the military with patriotism in his heart.
MIT Mishap
This is a classic from an MIT demo conducted in 1979.
Watching YouTube on a Commodore Pet
This video shows a way to watch YouTube videos on a 40-year old Commodore Pet, at about 30 fps. Here’s a link to the circuit simulator:
Shock and Awe: The Story of Electricity — Jim Al-Khalili BBC Horizon
In this three-part BBC Horizon documentary physicist and science communicator Jim Al-Khalili takes the viewer on a journey exploring the most important historical developments in electricity and magnetism. This documentary discusses how the physics (and the people behind the physics) changed the world forever.