In 1990 I did interviews with 180 baby boomers talking about their lives during the 1960s for my television series, Making Sense of the Sixties. This is a clip of poet and educator Bill Ehrhart from one of those interviews – a very articulate Vietnam veteran who joined the military with patriotism in his heart.
MIT Mishap
This is a classic from an MIT demo conducted in 1979.
Watching YouTube on a Commodore Pet
This video shows a way to watch YouTube videos on a 40-year old Commodore Pet, at about 30 fps. Here’s a link to the circuit simulator:
Shock and Awe: The Story of Electricity — Jim Al-Khalili BBC Horizon
In this three-part BBC Horizon documentary physicist and science communicator Jim Al-Khalili takes the viewer on a journey exploring the most important historical developments in electricity and magnetism. This documentary discusses how the physics (and the people behind the physics) changed the world forever., a site dedicated to turning internet peasants into Internet Landlords by showing them how to setup websites, email servers, chat servers and everything in between. Starting a website is something that can be done in a lazy afternoon and costs pocket change. Most of the internet’s problems could be solved if more people had their own personal platforms, so …
Brainf**k in 100 Seconds
Brainfuck is a minimal esoteric programming language. It provides a 30K 8-bit array that can be modified with 8 different characters.
Great Rhombicosidodecahedron
In geometry, the rhombicosidodecahedron, is an Archimedean solid, one of thirteen convex isogonal nonprismatic solids constructed of two or more types of regular polygon faces. It has 20 regular triangular faces, 30 square faces, 12 regular pentagonal faces, 60 vertices, and 120 edges.
“Your Behaviour Won’t Be The Same” | Dr. Andrew Huberman (Stanford Neuroscientist)
Moving your eyes side to side during times of stress not only reduces your stress levels, but also makes us more inclined to better cope with stress in the future, as opposed to being paralyzed by anxiety or trying to elude those stressful events.
HorrorBabble’s COMPLETE CTHULHU MYTHOS by H. P. Lovecraft
“The Cthulhu Mythos” is a system of entities, books, and locations created by H. P. Lovecraft. “HorrorBabble’s Cthulhu Mythos” adheres to “Lovecraft: A Look Behind the Cthulhu Mythos” by Lin Carter, whose requirement for including a story was that it must “present us with a significant item of information about the background lore of the Mythos, thus contributing important information …
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